Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last Few Days

28. October
It's work related, but valid. One of my clients has a really hard family situation, so that he just lacks a lot of motivation. But I really tried with him today, encouraging, encouraging, encouraging.

29. October
Getting ready for Halloween. We are making iron-on shirts for our roller derby team (Freaks of Sk8ture). I made my shirt then saw that the iron-ons for everyone else's shirts needed cutting out. So I cut them out.

30. October
Gave roommate a hug.

31. October (Happy Halloween!)
We were pretty gross after the evening's festivities and our costumes (lots of make up and hairspray). I let/insisted my roommate shower first, just to be nice.

1. November
Mom, Gram, and I canned some peaches a while ago. Yummy. I'm about through all my cans. But I took one can over to the sister I visit teach, just as an excuse to say hi.

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